Fading Grounds
A visual anthology that poetically encapsulates both the living and the dead of the natural environment.
- Gil Stern Goldfine, The Jerusalem Post, October 27, 2005
Dramatic photographs entitled Fading Grounds are a visual anthology that poetically encapsulates both the living and the dead of the natural environment. One after the other, a group of stunning prints describing isolated glens and thickets, composed and enlarged by Daniel Tchetchik, record brooding close-ups of a tangled, gnarled and weary forest. With neither skyline nor sunshine to provide relief, Tchetchik documents Mother Earth in her most primordial beauty. He scrutinizes the textures of every crooked bough, twig, dark leaf and friendless stone as they provide the maze through which run rivulets of shifting cloud-like forms that appear to be gaseous emissions, as much as the intended brook or stream. And they provide his solemn, umber-tinted compositions with an alternative to what Conrad described as the "heart of darkness."
- Gil Stern Goldfine, The Jerusalem Post, October 27, 2005