MUZA, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, is hosting Daniel Tchetchik's exhibition "Days Before Darkness" originally intended for Be'eri Gallery, which was destroyed on October 7.
Instillation at Muza, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Photo: Daniel Hanoch
Curator: Sofie Berzon MacKie, Be'ery Gallery
All things of grace and beauty such that one holds them to one's heart have a common provenance in pain. Their birth in grief and ashes.
- Cormac McCarthy, The Road, 2006
Daniel Tchetchik's exhibition "Days before Darkness" unfolds a harsh world in which one survives by the power of love. Tchetchik depicts a philosophical, mythical, spiritual and moral process, spanning our best and our worst. The artist presents us with an archetypal realm of crisis and chaos, shedding light on their inherent potential for inner transformation, which in turn will resonate back into the world left behind.
Tchetchik invites us to walk beside him on a journey, a quest, an odyssey following the protagonist. It is a rite of passage which involves parting with a comprehensible world of symbols, with clear contours, distinct forms, and specific spatial and temporal anchors. The trees crumble, fog descends on the horizon. The surface is scorched, a creaking compass rose stands on a rooftop. The photographs are grainy, the images disintegrate and dissolve into the dark walls. Some are overexposed, hurting one’s eyes like a blinding sun.
The artist, in contrast, embraces and presents in the palms of his hands, daydreams and a delicate memory: leaves resting on a bed of crystal-clear water; a last ray of shimmering sunlight; blue skies hanging above a house; bright lights shine through the annihilation. These are inner forces that have the power to ward off death, and stand up against the forces of dissolution. Moments of compassion and grace draw a gentle but determined line, a road map to the beginning of a fresh dawn; a quiet wind that if we listen closely, will lead us back to the shore of a new world.
What they are saying:
The photographs, several as large as 4’ x 5’, are installed in darkened gallery space illuminated by two light boxes, creating a sense of shimmering disorientation. In one photo, you see headlights of an oncoming car pierce through bluish haze on a seemingly abandoned road. Where is it coming from and where is it going? Will something terrible or transcendent emerge from the layers of beautifully colored light? The viewer simply doesn’t know. Frances Brent, Wall Street Journal
“Days Before Darkness is very different than other exhibitions – Tchetchik and Mackie have created a real, physical space for people to step into and wander through. “A gap in reality” as Mackie describes it, “allowing for these ideas to appear and to come into existence. This is deeper than just conveying an idea or representing something through an image, it’s kind of a metaphysical idea just appearing in the world.”” Hannah Gal, The Times of Israel
“Oscillating between pristine preciseness and fleeting moments” Smadar Sheffi, Head curator at CACR
“Daniel is an artist who is attentive to the beauty of the world. He finds it in the most everyday, in a puddle, a damp leaf, in the fog, in shadows and plays of light. His gaze gives us something precious, transcendent moments and the possibility of transcendence. He also gives us silence, pause and depth. The curator of the exhibition made a perfect placement and smart choices, and I had a meditative feeling when I walked in the dark space, among the beams of light coming out of Daniel's works”.
Tahel Frosh, Writer and Poet